The theater of the oppressed as an intervention strategy for preventing drug use in adolescents; bibliographic review

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Patricia Alejandra Guerra Santamaría
Alex Portilla


There are probably few topics that entice multiple interpretations, myths and prejudices like that of drug consumption. It is enough to mention the word drug, it entails a series of debates and endless references. Currently drug consumption is considered a global problem of public health, for which it’s taken into account as one of the priority issues to be treated within government agendas. Given the aforementioned reality, the investigation was developed, whose objective was describing the influence of the Theater of the Oppressed as an intervention strategy, that prevents drug use in adolescents. For the execution of the investigation, the documentary design and the descriptive investigative level were used, through exhaustive searches in different scientific databases. The finding showed that the theater of the oppressed is a pedagogical instrument that seeks to improve communication relationships, allows the release of emotions and creates awareness. Conclusion, the design of the didactic proposal, raises activities based on the theatrical praxis and on the game, since they are the key of protection to prevent and raise awareness among adolescents about the use of drugs and this must be done from the educational context.


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The theater of the oppressed as an intervention strategy for preventing drug use in adolescents; bibliographic review. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(2), 9-16.
Technical Articles
Author Biographies

Patricia Alejandra Guerra Santamaría, Universidad de la Rioja - Unir


Alex Portilla, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - UTI


How to Cite

The theater of the oppressed as an intervention strategy for preventing drug use in adolescents; bibliographic review. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(2), 9-16.


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