First record of tool use by a wild population of Cebus albifrons (Humboldt, 1812) (Primates, Cebidae) in Puerto Misahuallí, Napo, Ecuador: Paola Araujo E.1,3, Gabriel A. Carrillo B.1,2,3, William Ramirez4, Sofia Blue4, Andrea Chávez5, Nathalí Haro5, Cinthya García R.1,3, Natalia Bravo C.6, Sofía Castro4, Alexandra Hernández H.1, Andrés Prado A.1,3, Steven Wagner7, Sarah Martin-Solano3,4,5,8*. Serie Zoológica [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];15(16):59-72. Available from: https://journal.espe.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/revista-serie-zoologica/article/view/1745