About the Journal
Focus and scope
The objective of “RECIHYS” is to disseminate research and promote academic reflection on topics that contribute to the development of science, fundamentally in the fields of social sciences and humanism.
It covers a wide variety of topics, promoting the exchange, dissemination and transfer of knowledge in the field, with emphasis on the areas:
Human: Arts, Pedagogy, Didactics, Logic, Linguistics, Psychology, Ethics, Philosophy.
Social: Politics, Sociology, Education, Sports, Recreation, Legal)
It is directed, both nationally and internationally, to the scientific and professional community and to any population or individuals who are interested in its topics.
The journal publishes articles with scientific quality criteria, the documents sent to the Editorial Committee of the Journal must comply with one of the following typologies:
Scientific research article: document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The generally used structure contains five important sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
Review article: document resulting from a completed investigation where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review.
Case studies: document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to present the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on analogous cases.
Editorial: document written by the editor, a member of the editorial board or a guest researcher on orientations in the thematic domain of the journal
To submit articles, authors must register with the journal. https://journal.espe.edu.ec/ojs/index.php/RECIHYS
Interested authors should review the journal's policies and requirements before submitting the article for evaluation. here If you require help, contact the email recihys@espe.edu.ec
Peer evaluation process
Arbitration system
The “RECIHYS” Magazine will only receive articles that comply with the theme and format described. Items that do not conform to these specifications will be returned ad portas.
During the arbitration process, both the authors and the evaluators maintain anonymity. To achieve this condition, any name or information that leads to the identification of these people will be deleted from the documents that the Journal sends to each party.
As review policies for articles received, the journal establishes:
The Editorial Committee will first evaluate the relevance and compliance with the established format of the articles received.
In the event that the article is admitted by the Editorial Committee, it will assign two external peer reviewers who will carry out a blind arbitration process.
Each peer reviewer will inform, through the technological platform implemented for this purpose, if the article is valid for publication, if corrections are required or if it is not suitable for publication.
Evaluation results
Based on the concepts of the peer evaluators, three decisions can be made:
Accept this submission.
Publishable with modifications.
Not publishable.
In all cases, the authors will be informed of the decision adopted.
If there is no consensus among the evaluators, the article will be submitted to a third party, so that their criteria will allow them to decide whether it is published or not.
If the article is approved with corrections, the author(s) must resubmit it with the recommended adjustments. These will be verified by re-review from people who read it the first time.
If corrections are not made within the established time, the article will be published in a later issue.
In the case of articles accepted for publication, the General Editor will inform in which issue said publication will be published. Authors must complete the article originality certification form and copyright assignment.
Any violation of the journal's publication policy, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to take the corresponding measures as the case may be.
You can consult the evaluation forms. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14uc1jye83JgmbA_q7s1qZ1s3NhlTyCzU?usp=drive_link
Open source magazine management software.
The Scientific Magazine “RECIHYS” leveraged on the Open Journal Systems platform. (OJS) is an open source solution for the management and publishing of online academic journals. This platform offers a highly flexible system for the management and publication of academic journals that can be downloaded at no cost and installed on a local server, and its operation is in the hands of the editorial team of each institution.
Open access policies
“RECIHYS” provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research contributes to greater global exchange of knowledge. In this sense, readers of “RECIHYS” can read, download, cite, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles published in this magazine.
Likewise, being an open access journal, “RECIHYS” does not charge any fee during the entire editorial process for the publication of articles, including scientific review and layout.
Dates for manuscript submissions
Research articles are received throughout the year; The deadline for the Editorial Committee to notify its relevance and acceptance to begin the peer review process is 30 days from the message of receipt of the manuscript.
The journal is an open access contribution distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows unrestricted exploitation in any medium as long as the source and author are cited and this notice is maintained.
Item Processing and Shipping Costs
“RECIHYS” is an electronic journal whose processing and sending of articles is free of charge.
Item Processing and Shipping Costs
“RECIHYS” is an electronic journal whose processing and sending of articles is free of charge.
Code of Ethics
“RECIHYS” is a peer-reviewed Scientific Journal, inspired by the code of ethics for publications developed by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).
“RECIHYS” publishes quarterly in the periods of January – April, May – August and September – December (eighteen articles per year minimum).