Focus and scope  


The journal CIENCIA (Quito) printed ISSN 1390-1117 ISSN E 2697-343X, published by the University of the Armed Forces ESPE since 1998. It is an electronic publication, of open access, quarterly periodicity that constitutes an academic space for the publication of original scientific works, of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary character related to the fields of Life Sciences, Environment and Agriculture, Technological Sciences, and Construction and Materials Sciences. 

Its target audience is researchers, academics, professionals, students in practice of the disciplinary areas of the journal. 



To be a space for academic and scientific dissemination with high levels of academic quality.  



Promote exchange and cooperation networks through the publication of scientific articles.  



  1. Consolidate a medium for the promotion of original research work.  
  2. Promote intellectual production in the different areas of knowledge covered by this journal.  
  3. Provide the scientific community with the opportunity to exchange successful experiences in the construction and promotion of scientific knowledge.  
  4. Strengthen the creation and development of scientific activities aimed at improving the quality of life of society.  

Ciencia is published in print (ISSN: 1390-1117) and electronic (ISSN: 2697-343X) versions, in Spanish and English, with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) for each paper. 

The University of the Armed Forces ESPE, its authorities, and the Editorial Committee are not responsible for the opinions and criteria expressed in the content of the articles, which are published under the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of the Editorial Committee. 

Process for paper evaluation 

As review policies for articles received, the journal establishes: 

  • The Editorial Committee will first evaluate the relevance of the articles received. 
  • If the article is accepted by the Editorial Committee, it will assign two external peer reviewers who will carry out a blind peer review process (DOUBLE BLIND). 
  • Each peer reviewer will inform through the technological platform implemented for this purpose, if the article is valid for publication, if corrections are required or if it is not suitable for publication. 
  • Based on the peer reviewers' opinions, three decisions can be made: 
  1. Rejected 
  2. Accepted with change.  
  3. Final acceptance: It is published when all reviewers accept the article and the corrections suggested by any of them have been made. 
  • In all cases, the authors will be informed of the decision taken.  
  • In the case of articles accepted for publication, the General Editor will inform in which issue such publication will be made. Authors must fill out the format for certification of originality of the article and the assignment of copyrights. 


Open access policy 

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps to increase the global exchange of knowledge. 

This work is under a license of Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional 



Item Processing and Shipping Costs 

CIENCIA is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, inspired by the code of ethics for publications developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE – Committee on Publications Ethics). 


Editors Responsibilities 

a) Publishing Decisions

The Editor of the journal is responsible for deciding whether or not to publish articles. The Editor relies on the Scientific Committee of the journal and is subject to the requirements of applicable laws regarding libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The Editor of the journal may communicate with other editors or reviewers to make his or her own decisions. 

b) Equity

The Editor of the journal evaluates articles proposed for publication on the basis of their content without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship or political orientation of the authors. 

c) Confidentiality

The Editor and any member of the journal's Editorial Team may not disclose any information about a manuscript submitted for journal review to anyone except the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, editorial consultant, and section editors as appropriate. 

d) Conflicts of interest and disclosure

Unpublished materials contained in a submitted manuscript should not be used in research by the Editor or a member of the journal's Editorial Team without the express written consent of the author. 


Reviewer Responsibilities 

a) Contribution to editorial decision

The peer-review process assists the Editor of the journal in making editorial decisions and through editorial communication with the author also helps to improve the quality and text of a manuscript submitted to the journal. Reviewers engage in a critical, constructive, and honest review of the scientific quality of a manuscript. 

b) Respecting review deadlines

A reviewer who does not feel adequate to perform the proposed task or who believes that he/she cannot perform the review in the time required by the journal should inform the Editor immediately. 

c) Confidentiality

Any text assigned for your perusal will be considered confidential. Therefore, such texts should not be discussed with others without the express permission of the Editor. 

d) Objectivity

Peer review should be conducted objectively. Any personal judgment about the author is inappropriate. Reviewers are required to adequately justify the judgments and comments made on a manuscript. 

e) Acknowledgement of information sources

The reviewers undertake to indicate precisely the bibliographic references of fundamental works that the author could overlook. These recommendations should be made in a transparent manner without seeking to increase citations to works done by the same reviewers. The reviewer should also inform the Editor of any similarity or overlap of the text received for review with other works known to the reviewer. 

f) Conflicts of interest and disclosure

Confidential information or indications obtained during the peer review process must be considered confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes. Reviewers are required not to agree to review articles for which there is a conflict of interest due to collaborative or competitive relationships with the author and/or his/her home institution. 


Responsibilities of the Authors 

a) Access and retention of data

If the Editor considers it appropriate, the authors of the articles should also make available the sources or data on which the research is based, so that they can be maintained for a reasonable period of time after publication and possibly made visible. 

b) Originality and plagiarism

Authors must guarantee that they have written completely original work and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others they must indicate this or cite it correctly in the manuscript. 

c) Multiple, repetitive, and/or concurrent publications

The author should not publish articles describing the same research in more than one journal. Proposing the same text to more than one journal at the same time is ethically incorrect and unacceptable. 

d) Source Specifications

The author must always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article. An article should contain sufficient details and references to allow a response. 

e) Author of the work

Authorship of the paper should be correctly attributed and all those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, organization, implementation, and reworking of the research that is the basis of the article should be indicated as co-authors. If others have been significantly involved in certain phases of the research, their contribution should be explicitly acknowledged. In the case of multiple contributions, the author submitting the text to the journal must declare that he/she has correctly indicated the names of all other co-authors, that he/she has obtained approval of the final version of the article, and that their consent for its publication in the journal. 

f) Conflict of interest and disclosure

All authors should indicate in their manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that could be interpreted as influencing the results or interpretation of their work. All sources of financial support for the project must be properly disclosed. 

g) Errors in published articles

If the author finds a significant error in the published article, the author must immidiatly notify the Editor in order to correct the mistake.  

Detections of Plagiarism 

Revista Ciencia seeks quality and academic honesty in its publications. Therefore, prior to submission for blind peer review, the editor submits the manuscript to the URKUND or other plagiarism detection system, where each manuscript is supervised to ensure that it meets the originality requirement (that it has not been previously published) and that it does not plagiarize other works by the same author or another author. In the case of percentages of 9 to 20% of plagiarism detection, the manuscript is returned to the author so that he/she can make the necessary citations and corrections regarding the recognition of the ideas of the original authors. In the case of finding a higher percentage of plagiarism greater than 20%, the article will be rejected. 



The Journal CIENCIA is indexed in ROAD and Latindex V2.0. 

Announcements | Ecuadorian Science Journal