The threat of road-kill to Andean tapirs: the case of ‘Jorgito’, the Andean tapir that lived beside the Quito-Amazon highway, Ecuador

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Armando Castellanos


The tapir, nicknamed ‘Jorgito’, was found dead by hit on March 18,  2019, in a sector of the highway.


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How to Cite
The threat of road-kill to Andean tapirs: the case of ‘Jorgito’, the Andean tapir that lived beside the Quito-Amazon highway, Ecuador. (2019). Boletín Técnico, Serie Zoológica, 14(14-15).
Author Biography

Armando Castellanos, Andean Bear Foundation

Biologo  ecuatoriano de Grandes Mamíferos como el Oso Andino, Tapir de Montaña y Lobo de páramo, estudiandolos mediante telemetría en el Parque Nacional Cayambe Coca, Ecuador. Presidente de la Fundación Oso Andino.

How to Cite

The threat of road-kill to Andean tapirs: the case of ‘Jorgito’, the Andean tapir that lived beside the Quito-Amazon highway, Ecuador. (2019). Boletín Técnico, Serie Zoológica, 14(14-15).