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This work examines border security as a problem pending to be resolved in an ideal way by the States, mainly due to the diversity of associated variables that force them to allocate enormous resources of all kinds in a space of binational responsibility. Based on this interest, literature on research on the performance of the Military Forces of various countries in the world, who seek to protect their borders through the application of data and associated technology, was analyzed. After an exhaustive analysis, no specific investigations were found towards the use of statistical tools with modeling of the operations of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces against the control of the northern border. In this investigation, simulations were carried out with the results obtained in the protection of the northern border. The variables investigated were: the use of the Armed Forces and illegal activities. In the first phase, several non-automated stochastic processes, projections and more objective data were applied, which contribute to decision-making at the military strategic level.
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How to Cite
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