Incidence of the application of active breaks, as a means to reduce Burnout Syndrome in the staff of the Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha

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Diana Maritza Bolívar Alonso
Pablo Damián Dávila Tamayo
César Zambrano Párraga
Verónica Dayanara Espinosa Espinosa


The purpose of this research is to determine the incidence of activity breaks within the work day, allowing the risk of acquiring burnout syndrome to be reduced among the staff of the University Pichincha. The research was developed from a quantitative approach using the survey technique as a primary data collection method. The results showed that a considerable percentage of those surveyed were within the range of said syndrome. In the pretest, 42% presented exhaustion or emotional exhaustion and in the posttest this figure was reduced to 30%. Regarding depersonalization, 33% experienced it in the pretest, decreasing to 23% in the posttest. In the personal performance, the pretest showed 25%, while in the posttest an improvement was observed, reaching 47%. These results demonstrate a contribution to the improvement of work performance after the application of the recreational program.It was identified that there is a very high interest in physical activities. It was discussed that active breaks can be a valuable tool to promote an active and healthy lifestyle among the workers of the Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha, thus favoring their integral development and preparing them to cope with stress that is not affected in the worker, allowing them to achieve better work and personal control.  In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of implementing active breaks to reduce the risk of acquiring burnout syndrome, which will have a positive impact on your physical, mental, emotional and social health.


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Incidence of the application of active breaks, as a means to reduce Burnout Syndrome in the staff of the Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2).
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Author Biographies

Diana Maritza Bolívar Alonso , Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha


Pablo Damián Dávila Tamayo, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha


César Zambrano Párraga, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha


Verónica Dayanara Espinosa Espinosa, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha


How to Cite

Incidence of the application of active breaks, as a means to reduce Burnout Syndrome in the staff of the Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2).


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