A model of social participation to avoid a new crisis of governance in Brazil
Contenido principal del artículo
Economic and political crises, exacerbated by pandemics and wars, highlight the need to integrate society into the relationship between the state and the private sector to improve governmental action. Society can reinforce the role of Public Administration by being informed about relevant issues and equipped to use modern tools for the collection and application of knowledge. This article aims to demonstrate that the effectiveness of public policies depends on shared governance, which is based on fostering a culture of shared knowledge and solutions among society, the private sector, the third sector, academia, international organizations, and developed countries.
In addition to a review of the literature on cultural intelligence and knowledge management, the document presents the model of Cultural Intelligence-Governmental Intelligence-Social Participation (CIGISP). This model illustrates that knowledge and shared solutions with society and other countries have the potential to transform national culture, thereby improving the effectiveness of public policies. The work concludes that both the government and citizens must set aside short-term interests and adopt collaborative roles in building an educated and mature civil society.
The CIGISP model is useful for identifying how learning, through the comparison with other values, beliefs, and assumptions (IC), and the resulting higher quality of social participation, leads to better IG.
Detalles del artículo

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Cómo citar
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