Effects of motor storytelling on cognitive and emotional development in children.

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Luis Dávila


Motor storytelling, as a teaching modality that combines body movement with narratives and games, has been shown to have a significant impact on children's cognitive and emotional development. This article reviews existing research on the effects of motor storytelling on different aspects of child development, focusing specifically on its impact on cognitive and emotional development.

First, the mechanisms by which the motor story can influence children's cognitive development are analyzed, highlighting its ability to stimulate sensory integration, improve attention and concentration, and promote active and experiential learning. In addition, the effects of motor storytelling on children's emotional development are explored, including its role in emotional regulation, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Through a review of empirical studies and scientific evidence, the benefits of motor storytelling in promoting motor, cognitive, and emotional skills in infancy are identified. The practical implications of these findings for educators, parents, and health professionals are discussed, highlighting the importance of integrating motor storytelling into educational programs and recreational activities to optimize children's holistic development.

In conclusion, this article highlights the crucial role of the motor story in fostering healthy cognitive and emotional development in childhood, highlighting the need to continue researching and promoting effective practices in this area.


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Effects of motor storytelling on cognitive and emotional development in children. (2024). Revista ALPHA OMEGA, 1(02), 10. https://doi.org/10.24133/
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How to Cite

Effects of motor storytelling on cognitive and emotional development in children. (2024). Revista ALPHA OMEGA, 1(02), 10. https://doi.org/10.24133/


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