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To speak about the capacity of States to combat new hybrid threats is to refer directly to globalized and internationally related security, an area in which armed conflicts have been distorted and disoriented due to the lack of clear targeting of the problem and the variety of these threats that mutate, complement and interact regardless of limits, nationalities, sovereignties and periods. This article aims to reveal in the clearest and most objective way the effects that hybrid threats have on the management and development of States and the difficulties they have to face and neutralize them. An updated theme is proposed that reflects situations that go beyond the local, to involve the regional and global. In summary, it will seek to achieve two objectives, the first being to determine the main forms of hybrid and transnational threats and the second the state limitations in the presence of two or more threats combined. The conclusions indicate the effects that conflicts and hybrid threats cause to the States and their inability to combat and / or neutralize them.


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LA AMENAZAS HÍBRIDAS, UN NUEVO RETO PARA LOS ESTADOS. (2022). Revista De La Academia Del Guerra Del Ejército Ecuatoriano, 15(1), 10.
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How to Cite

LA AMENAZAS HÍBRIDAS, UN NUEVO RETO PARA LOS ESTADOS. (2022). Revista De La Academia Del Guerra Del Ejército Ecuatoriano, 15(1), 10.


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