Analysis and implementation of differential GPS in single and double configurations

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Monica Zabala
Franklin López
Angel Ortega


The standard positioning service (SPS), or undifferentiated measurements, contains errors in its measurements, affecting the final positioning solution of the receiver. The application of GPS differentiation techniques in simple (SD) and double (DD) configurations allows the elimination of errors that affect the GPS signal during the propagation path; among the most critical are errors produced by the atmosphere and troposphere. Between the reference receiver and the mobile GPS receiver (rover), errors are correlated in time and space according to the distance between them, and the elimination of common errors increases the accuracy of the final solution. The DGPS-Lab application is designed to execute the differentiation process in both configurations and verify the results by minimizing the errors in the positioning through the implemented DGPS algorithm.

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How to Cite
Analysis and implementation of differential GPS in single and double configurations. (2017). MASKAY, 7(1), 41-48.

How to Cite

Analysis and implementation of differential GPS in single and double configurations. (2017). MASKAY, 7(1), 41-48.


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