Implementación de un sistema de transmisión inalámbrica de energía eléctrica a través de acoplamiento resonante magnético de campo cercano para dispositivos de bajo consumo de potencia
Contenido principal del artículo
La presente investigación, expone un método alternativo de alimentación eléctrica a través del uso de resonancia magnética. Se utilizaron métodos matemáticos probados en anteriores aportes investigativos para el diseño de las antenas encargadas de la transmisión inalámbrica de energía con tecnología microstrip, sobre una placa FR4, además, se hace uso de circuitos integrados con tecnología MMIC para la generación y amplificación de ondas de radio – frecuencia en el rango de los 16 MHz a 23 MHz como fuente de energía. En la fase de recepción se utiliza un circuito doblador de voltaje de 3 etapas con el propósito de rectificar y amplificar la señal recibida. Los resultados obtenidos en la implementación del sistema, demuestran una recepción de la energía recibida entre el 20% y 30% del total transmitido, para distancias comprendidas entre 10 y 90 milímetros. entre las antenas sin obstáculos. Ésta investigación indica que es factible utilizar energía inalámbrica para cargar dispositivos de bajo consumo de potencia, comprobando que, con obstáculos, decae ínfimamente la eficiencia del sistema al atravesar materiales como aglomerado, plástico, vidrio, poli estireno expandido, tela y madera, perdiendo totalmente el rendimiento con metal.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Implementación de un sistema de transmisión inalámbrica de energía eléctrica a través de acoplamiento resonante magnético de campo cercano para dispositivos de bajo consumo de potencia. (2018). MASKAY, 8(1), 35-45.

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Implementación de un sistema de transmisión inalámbrica de energía eléctrica a través de acoplamiento resonante magnético de campo cercano para dispositivos de bajo consumo de potencia. (2018). MASKAY, 8(1), 35-45.
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[3] A. Munir, and B. T. Ranum, (2015), “Wireless Power Charging System for Mobile Device Based on Magnetic Resonance Coupling”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Aug. 10-11, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 221-224.
[4] J. Zhang and Z. Jia, (Dec. 2010), “Design of Voltage Doubling Rectifier Circuit in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceeding of International Conference on PIC, Sanghai, China, pp. 456 – 459.
[5] A. K. André Kurs, R. Moffat, J. D. Joannopoulos, P. Fisher, M. Soljiac (2007) “Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances”, Science AAAs. 83 – 85.
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[8] X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim and Z. Han, (2016), "Wireless Charging Technologies: Fundamentals, Standards, and Network Applications," in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1413-1452.
[9] R. M. Dickinson, (1976), “Performance of a high-power, 2.388-GHz receiving array in wireless power transmission over 1.54 km”, in Proceeding of IEEE-MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Chery Hill, USA, Jun, pp. 139 – 141.
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[11] H. M. G. E. D. M. El-Anzeery, M. A. E. A. S. El-Bagouri, and R. Guindi, (2012), “Novel Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Model,” in Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEDCO), Melaka, Malaysia, 2012 IEEE International, pp. 209 – 213.
[12] M. H. M. Salleh, N. Seman, and R. Dewan, “Reduced – Size Witricity Charger Design and its Parametric Study,” IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM2013), Dec. 09 – 11, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 387 – 390.
[13] S. L. Ho, J. Wang, W. N. Fu, M. Sun, “A Comparative Study Between Witricity and Traditional Inductive Magnetic Coupling in Wireless Charging,” IEEE Transactions onMagnetics, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1522 – 1525, May. 2011.
[14] X. Zhang, S. LHo., W.N. Fu, (2011), “Quantitative Analysis of a Wireless Power Transfer Cell with Planar Spiral Structures,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 3200-3203.
[15] B. T. Ranum, N. W. D. E. Rahayu, and A. Munir, “Characterization of Wireless Power Charging Receiver for Mobile Device,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 130 – 139, Mar. 2015.
[16] D.G.Nottiani, F.Leccese, (2012), “A Simple Method for Calculating Lumped Parameters of Planar Spiral Coil for Wireless Energy Transfer,”11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), vol., no., pp. 869 – 872.
[17] J. Wang, S.L. HO, W.N. Fu, M. Sun, (2010), “Finite Element Analysis and Corresponding Experiment of Resonant Energy Transmission for Wireless Transmission Device using Witricity,” 14th Biennial IEEE Conference onElectromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), on, vol., no., pp. 1,1.
[18] J. Wang, S.L.Ho, W.N. Fu, M. Sun, (October 2011), “ Analytical Design Study of a Novel Witricity Charger with Lateral and Angular Misalignments for Efficient Wireless Energy Transmission,” IEEE Transactions onMagnetics, vol.47, no.10, pp. 2616-2619.
[19] W. Peng, G. Zhao, (2012), “Experimental Analysis on Wireless Power Transmission Based on Magnetic Resonant Coupling,” 2nd International Conference onRemote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), vol., no., pp. 1,4.
[20] N.W.D.E.Rahayu, A. Munir, (August 2014), “Radiator for Wireless Charging Application Based on Electromagnetic Coupling Resonant ,”Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, pp. 496 – 499, 20-21.
[21] H.Zhou, S.Yang, (2012), “Resonant Frequency Calculation of Witricity Using equivalent Circuit Model Combined with Finite Element Method,” International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF), 2012 Sixth, vol., no., pp.1,4.
[22] F. Zhang, S.A. Hackwoth, X. Liu, C. Li, M. Sun, (2010), “Wireless Power Delivery for Wearable Sensors and Implants in Body Sensor Networks,” Annual International Conference of the IEEE onEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), vol., no., pp. 692,695.
[23] X. Sun, M. Cao, J. Hao, Y. Guo, (2012), “A Rectangular Slot Antenna with Improved Bandwidth,” AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 66, pp.465-466,6.
[24] Xiu Zhang, S. L. Ho and W. N. Fu, (2010), "Modeling and design of a wireless power transfer cell with planar spiral structures," Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Chicago, IL, pp. 1-1.
[25] Martin Dadić, Karlo Petrović, Roman Malarić, (2017), “FEM Analysis of a PCB Integrated Resonant Wireless Power Transfer,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, pp. 166-170.
[26] Johnson I. (2011). Agbinya. Principles of Inductive Near Field Communications for Internet of Things. River Publishers
[27] Iulian Rosu (2014), Microstrip, Stripline, and CPW Design
[2] Agbinya, J.I. (2012). Wireless Power Transfer. River Publishers
[3] A. Munir, and B. T. Ranum, (2015), “Wireless Power Charging System for Mobile Device Based on Magnetic Resonance Coupling”, in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Aug. 10-11, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 221-224.
[4] J. Zhang and Z. Jia, (Dec. 2010), “Design of Voltage Doubling Rectifier Circuit in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceeding of International Conference on PIC, Sanghai, China, pp. 456 – 459.
[5] A. K. André Kurs, R. Moffat, J. D. Joannopoulos, P. Fisher, M. Soljiac (2007) “Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonances”, Science AAAs. 83 – 85.
[6] F. Pelliteri, V. Boscaino, R. L. Rosa, and G. Capponi, (2012), “Improving the Efficiency of a Standard Compliant Wireless Battery Charger,” in Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2012 47th International, pp. 1 – 6.
[7] M. Kline, I. Izyumin, B. Boser, and S. Sanders, (2011), “Capacitive Power Transfer for Contactless Charging,” in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2011 Twenty – Sixth Annual IEEE, pp. 1398 – 1404.
[8] X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim and Z. Han, (2016), "Wireless Charging Technologies: Fundamentals, Standards, and Network Applications," in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1413-1452.
[9] R. M. Dickinson, (1976), “Performance of a high-power, 2.388-GHz receiving array in wireless power transmission over 1.54 km”, in Proceeding of IEEE-MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Chery Hill, USA, Jun, pp. 139 – 141.
[10] M. H. M. Salleh, N. Seman, and D. N. A. Zaidel, (2014), “Design of a Compact Planar Witricity Device with Good Efficiency for Wireless Applications”, Proceedings of Asia – Pacific Microwave Conference, pp. 1369 – 1371.
[11] H. M. G. E. D. M. El-Anzeery, M. A. E. A. S. El-Bagouri, and R. Guindi, (2012), “Novel Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Model,” in Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEDCO), Melaka, Malaysia, 2012 IEEE International, pp. 209 – 213.
[12] M. H. M. Salleh, N. Seman, and R. Dewan, “Reduced – Size Witricity Charger Design and its Parametric Study,” IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM2013), Dec. 09 – 11, Penang, Malaysia, pp. 387 – 390.
[13] S. L. Ho, J. Wang, W. N. Fu, M. Sun, “A Comparative Study Between Witricity and Traditional Inductive Magnetic Coupling in Wireless Charging,” IEEE Transactions onMagnetics, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1522 – 1525, May. 2011.
[14] X. Zhang, S. LHo., W.N. Fu, (2011), “Quantitative Analysis of a Wireless Power Transfer Cell with Planar Spiral Structures,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 3200-3203.
[15] B. T. Ranum, N. W. D. E. Rahayu, and A. Munir, “Characterization of Wireless Power Charging Receiver for Mobile Device,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 130 – 139, Mar. 2015.
[16] D.G.Nottiani, F.Leccese, (2012), “A Simple Method for Calculating Lumped Parameters of Planar Spiral Coil for Wireless Energy Transfer,”11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), vol., no., pp. 869 – 872.
[17] J. Wang, S.L. HO, W.N. Fu, M. Sun, (2010), “Finite Element Analysis and Corresponding Experiment of Resonant Energy Transmission for Wireless Transmission Device using Witricity,” 14th Biennial IEEE Conference onElectromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), on, vol., no., pp. 1,1.
[18] J. Wang, S.L.Ho, W.N. Fu, M. Sun, (October 2011), “ Analytical Design Study of a Novel Witricity Charger with Lateral and Angular Misalignments for Efficient Wireless Energy Transmission,” IEEE Transactions onMagnetics, vol.47, no.10, pp. 2616-2619.
[19] W. Peng, G. Zhao, (2012), “Experimental Analysis on Wireless Power Transmission Based on Magnetic Resonant Coupling,” 2nd International Conference onRemote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), vol., no., pp. 1,4.
[20] N.W.D.E.Rahayu, A. Munir, (August 2014), “Radiator for Wireless Charging Application Based on Electromagnetic Coupling Resonant ,”Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI 2014), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, pp. 496 – 499, 20-21.
[21] H.Zhou, S.Yang, (2012), “Resonant Frequency Calculation of Witricity Using equivalent Circuit Model Combined with Finite Element Method,” International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF), 2012 Sixth, vol., no., pp.1,4.
[22] F. Zhang, S.A. Hackwoth, X. Liu, C. Li, M. Sun, (2010), “Wireless Power Delivery for Wearable Sensors and Implants in Body Sensor Networks,” Annual International Conference of the IEEE onEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), vol., no., pp. 692,695.
[23] X. Sun, M. Cao, J. Hao, Y. Guo, (2012), “A Rectangular Slot Antenna with Improved Bandwidth,” AEU – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 66, pp.465-466,6.
[24] Xiu Zhang, S. L. Ho and W. N. Fu, (2010), "Modeling and design of a wireless power transfer cell with planar spiral structures," Digests of the 2010 14th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Chicago, IL, pp. 1-1.
[25] Martin Dadić, Karlo Petrović, Roman Malarić, (2017), “FEM Analysis of a PCB Integrated Resonant Wireless Power Transfer,” 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), Opatija, pp. 166-170.
[26] Johnson I. (2011). Agbinya. Principles of Inductive Near Field Communications for Internet of Things. River Publishers
[27] Iulian Rosu (2014), Microstrip, Stripline, and CPW Design