Neutral? behaviors in criminal law: A systematic review

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Andrés Sebastián Cevallos-Altamirano
Hortencio Galiano Balcázar Campoverde


The research work aims to establish the importance of an issue in criminal law: whether there are neutral behaviors. To carry out this study, a qualitative methodology was applied using the inductive-deductive method. Different aspects were considered that distinguish between innocent collaboration and criminal participation.

It has been argued that self-responsibility should be the limiting criterion of complicity, implying that those who provide advice without knowledge of the illicit use cannot be considered accomplices.

It was found that assigning terms such as "neutral" or "daily" to certain behavior has no objective basis. The importance of establishing limits on complicity as a measure to ensure legal certainty and safeguard the effective protection of legal rights was highlighted.

Finally, it was determined that the character of the behavior, which is neutral, will lose its neutrality when there is knowledge or active cooperation in the commission of the crime.


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Neutral? behaviors in criminal law: A systematic review. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(1), 1-8.
Technical Articles
Author Biographies

Andrés Sebastián Cevallos-Altamirano, Universidad de Sevilla, España


Hortencio Galiano Balcázar Campoverde, Fiscalía General del Estado - Ecuador


How to Cite

Neutral? behaviors in criminal law: A systematic review. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(1), 1-8.


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