Less bureaucracy, more teaching: The impact of artificial intelligence on the administrative burden of teachers

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Flor María Riera-Pesántez


This article will analyze and investigate the integration of artificial intelligence in the field of higher education and its impact on administrative management for teachers, based on the premise that artificial intelligence could allow to focus time and effort on meaningful pedagogical activities. At the same time, a mixed methodological approach was used through surveys of 70 teachers, in addition to applying semi-structured interviews to the career coordinators at the Pichincha University Technological Institute. The analysis focused on inquiring about perceptions about the use of artificial intelligence and the impact it has on reducing administrative burden. As for the results, they show that 100% of teachers who use AI tools achieve a significant decrease in relation to the time they normally spend developing administrative tasks, allowing greater workload which allows them to focus their work on the development of innovative teaching strategies that respond to the needs of Ecuador. In this way, the following article underscores the importance of the integration of technologies in the educational field at the administrative level, and also highlights the need for institutional policies and practices that promote education and training, which ensures the effective implementation of AI. With this, it is understood that the educational field as an institution faces challenges through which to respond to efficient and learning-centered models, which benefit teachers, students, and society.


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How to Cite
Less bureaucracy, more teaching: The impact of artificial intelligence on the administrative burden of teachers. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(3), 45-52. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v2.i3.3785
Technical Articles
Author Biography

Flor María Riera-Pesántez, Instituto Universitario Pichincha


How to Cite

Less bureaucracy, more teaching: The impact of artificial intelligence on the administrative burden of teachers. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(3), 45-52. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v2.i3.3785


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