Design of an optical-wireless system for the analysis of free space optics technology

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Jhandry Torres-Rojas
Paulo Samaniego-Rojas


In this paper, a study oriented to Free Space Optics (FSO) is carried out, identifying its main benefits and limitations. A practical case study is also considered in the city of Loja (Ecuador) for designing FSO technology, assessing suitable sites for deployment, climatic conditions and line of sight between the selected nodes, and technical characteristics of the equipment considered. Path loss and channel geometry analyses are also performed, where the results obtained allow understanding under which atmospheric conditions an optimal link is available. The study is validated by executing simulations using Optisystem software and considering several study scenarios. One of the actual results identified is the transmission rate supported by FSO technology in different atmospheric conditions, exceeding 3 km, and the high bandwidth offered compared to other technologies, such as RF, that are limited by similar factors.

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How to Cite
Design of an optical-wireless system for the analysis of free space optics technology. (2023). MASKAY, 14(1), 1-9.

How to Cite

Design of an optical-wireless system for the analysis of free space optics technology. (2023). MASKAY, 14(1), 1-9.


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