Gamification in learning simple patterns

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Geidy Jazmín Paredes Fuentes
Lic. Carlos Iván Aguirre-Pinos
Lic. Gina Elizabeth Yamberla-Chinlli
Dr.Raúl Yungán Yungán


The research work focuses on the study of gamification and the development of simple patterns in children from 4 to 5 years old. The objective was based on analyzing gamification in the development of simple patterns in children from 4 to 5 years old from the "12 de Octubre" Basic Education School. The methodology has a qualitative approach that seeks to understand in depth the study phenomenon and a type of basic research that try to formulate new knowledge, its scope is descriptive since it is intended to detail the qualities and characteristics that exist between the two variables, of bibliographic type, with a non-experimental design.

The technique used for data collection was the interview with his instrument, the interview script with open questions that were validated by experts in the area, addressed to teachers of Level II of Initial Education of the "12 de Octubre" Basic Education School and an observation sheet applied to children from 4 to 5 years, the results were obtained through the analysis and triangulation of data, in order to meet the objectives proposed in the research. It is concluded that gamification is a motivating didactic strategy that favors the development of simple patterns in children, achieving a significant learning.


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How to Cite
Gamification in learning simple patterns. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(1), 61-65.
Technical Articles
Author Biographies

Geidy Jazmín Paredes Fuentes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato


Lic. Carlos Iván Aguirre-Pinos, Universidad Técnica de Ambato


Lic. Gina Elizabeth Yamberla-Chinlli, Universidad Técnica de Ambato


Dr.Raúl Yungán Yungán , Universidad Técnica de Ambato


How to Cite

Gamification in learning simple patterns. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(1), 61-65.


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