El uso de canciones activas en el desarrollo del vocabulario de jóvenes aprendices

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Cynthia Michelle Pilatuña Espinoza
Miryan Consuelo Salazar Tobar
Ruth Viviana Barona Oñate


Early childhood education comprises a dynamic environment in constant evolution. At this stage of childhood, language development is an essential component of effective teaching for that reason, special attention must be given to the language acquisition process. In learning the English language, having a solid vocabulary helps to communicate your thoughts, emotions and ideas effectively, promoting social interactions and academic success. Therefore, the research objective was to analyze the use of active songs in the development of the vocabulary of young students.

The study had a quantitative approach, and a quasi-experimental design was used. The study population was made up of 44 students from parallels A and B of the third year of basic education of a public school in the Chimborazo province, Ecuador, their age was between six and seven years. There were two groups in this study: the control group and the experimental group. To collect information from both groups, the researcher applied pre- and post-test as a technique, and a five-item questionnaire as an instrument. Both the pre- and post-tests were Part 1, Reading and Writing of the Cambridge A1 Mover exam. The pre-test was implemented in the experimental and control groups. However, only the experimental group received an 8-week intervention. In the end, the post test was used to collect the information. SPSS software was used to tabulate and analyze all collected data. In addition, the independent samples t test was used to verify hypotheses. It was concluded that the use of active songs contributed significantly to the development of the vocabulary of the young students of the Educational Unit. Likewise, the findings showed that initially in the pre-test, the vocabulary of both groups was limited; However, after the intervention, their vocabulary increased significantly, with this improvement evident in the averages of the post-tests of the experimental group, going from 2.50 to 3.45 out of 5.


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How to Cite
El uso de canciones activas en el desarrollo del vocabulario de jóvenes aprendices. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2). https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v2i2.3579
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Author Biographies

Cynthia Michelle Pilatuña Espinoza, Unidad Educativa Federico González Suarez


Miryan Consuelo Salazar Tobar, Universidad Técnica de Ambato


Ruth Viviana Barona Oñate, Universidad Técnica de Ambato


How to Cite

El uso de canciones activas en el desarrollo del vocabulario de jóvenes aprendices. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2). https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v2i2.3579


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