Nutrition in female bodybuilders and its behavioral effects

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María Isabel Meneses-Sáenz
Jeamy Betzabe León-Ortega
Pablo Damian Dávila-Tamayo
César Zambrano-Párraga


One of the physiological needs of the human being is food and even more so when the person performs physical activity, nutrition being a fundamental aspect that affects physical sports performance. In the field of female bodybuilding, where physical appearance is paramount, female athletes face nutritional and behavioral challenges. The objective of this research was to analyze the association between dietary regimens and nutritional imbalances, hormonal alterations, and the presence of eating disorders and behavioral alterations in female athletes dedicated to bodybuilding. The research method was documentary, descriptive, exploratory with a qualitative approach. The findings showed that extreme calorie restrictions and nutritional imbalances were prevalent. This commonly led to mood swings, fatigue, food obsession, and eating disorders. After these extremes, however, many athletes experienced episodes of overeating and guilt. While nutritional deficits were necessary to achieve low body fat percentages, unhealthy dietary behaviors raised concerns about the athletes' long-term physical and mental well-being. The study highlighted the need for a more balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition for female bodybuilders, with greater emphasis on education and psychological support to encourage healthier eating habits and a positive body image.


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Nutrition in female bodybuilders and its behavioral effects. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(3), 27-34.
Technical Articles
Author Biographies

María Isabel Meneses-Sáenz , Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha – ITUP


Jeamy Betzabe León-Ortega, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha - ITUP


Pablo Damian Dávila-Tamayo, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha – ITUP

docente investigador

César Zambrano-Párraga, Tecnológico Universitario Pichincha – ITUP

docente investigador

How to Cite

Nutrition in female bodybuilders and its behavioral effects. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(3), 27-34.


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