Electronic toy for children with hyperactivity disorder in early education

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Darwin Toca
Fidel Parra Balza
Millard Escalona
René Cortijo


This paper describes the development of a prototype electronic toy capable of teaching, in a participatory and entertaining way, the basic concepts of addition in Basic Mathematics. The main objective is the development of a toy that allows hyperactive children to improve their learning using a ball-based game, which also contributes to the development of their logical thinking and can quickly respond to the teacher's indications and orientations. Through an exploratory and descriptive methodology, previous research is carried out to define the most successful didactic strategies in the treatment of hyperactivity and, thus, establish the design parameters of the electronic device. The results obtained during the functional tests demonstrated that the children who participated in the project showed greater interest in solving mathematical problems and recognizing colors, with a % of success (knowledge retention) of 86%. Therefore, the interactive digital system contributes to learning development.

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How to Cite
Electronic toy for children with hyperactivity disorder in early education. (2021). MASKAY, 11(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.24133/maskay.v11i2.1837

How to Cite

Electronic toy for children with hyperactivity disorder in early education. (2021). MASKAY, 11(2), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.24133/maskay.v11i2.1837


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