Leisure from a Functionalist vision for personal development, fun and rest, from ancient times to the present

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Nadia Ante
Karla Pacheco
Luis Palomino
Carlos Albán


Functionalist leisure is based on three important terms: fun, rest and personal development. In addition, this has different points of view difficult to understand, because this term has evolved over time, allowing us to contemplate different perspectives of it, for this, we analyze redundant stages of history in terms of functionalist leisure and its evolution over time, in this case we have highlighted five periods of importance to humanity. This article was carried out through the bibliographic review of different documents. In different databases such as Scielo, Redalyc and Google Scholar, among other platforms, and we also relied on Zotero for the organization of documents and bibliographic citations, which allowed us to perform an orderly and concise work. Among our findings we can highlight how functionalist leisure has evolved over time, having different meanings according to the era in which it is developed, and how in ancient times leisure was based more on outdoor activities or in person, through the coexistence between people in their environment, But nowadays it has changed its perspective in the world, as technology has allowed many conveniences for the human being making the visualization of leisure both positive and negative for society, and in the same way the use of their free time for leisure has changed, much of society prefers the comfort of your home. Even so, leisure is fundamental to the development of our lives.


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Leisure from a Functionalist vision for personal development, fun and rest, from ancient times to the present. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(1), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v1i1.3148
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How to Cite

Leisure from a Functionalist vision for personal development, fun and rest, from ancient times to the present. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(1), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v1i1.3148


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