Phonological awareness and reading prediction in high school.

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Gisela Padilla
Diana Jácome
Ramiro Guerrón


The relationship between phonological awareness and reading prediction in high school children is the subject to be discussed in this article; whose foundation is based on previous research, compiled from repositories, scientific journals and documents. The main objective was to relate phonological awareness with children's reading prediction to start in the world of reading, using prediction tests and evaluation of phonological knowledge and a quantitative approach. The study subjects were 5-year-old infants, belonging to a particular institution. The theoretical foundation is supported by authors such as: Watson, Vygotsky and Piaget; among others. To collect the data, observation and interview techniques were used with the following instruments: the test for the evaluation of phonological knowledge (PECO) and the reading prediction test (PPL). Finally, the relationship between phonological awareness and reading prediction was analyzed through the application of Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, obtaining a positive response.


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Phonological awareness and reading prediction in high school. (2023). Revista Ecuatoriana De Investigación Educativa, 3(1).

How to Cite

Phonological awareness and reading prediction in high school. (2023). Revista Ecuatoriana De Investigación Educativa, 3(1).


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