Diagnosis of work stress in teachers in times of pandemic and its theoretical implications of work recreationTitle of the article in English

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Mayra Paredes
Mayra Paredes


Stress is a problem that affects people in general, added to this the presence of the COVID 19 pandemic, increased stress levels due to the new virtual work modality adopted by society, this modality was essential to continue with work activities; Given this reality, various studies confirm the benefits of recreation to counteract the effects of stress. Based on the above, the research work that sought to diagnose the levels of work stress in teachers in times of pandemic and theoretical implications in relation to work recreation is presented. The research was developed in accordance with the guidelines, documentary, field design, the methods used were analytical, synthetic and empirical. The study population consisted of 80 teachers, 48 ​​women and 32 men. The data collection instrument used was the standardized Maslach test (MBI). The most important finding is in relation to the emotional fatigue dimension where in the pretest, 81% of women and 78% of men presented exhaustion or high emotional exhaustion. From these preliminary results it is evident that burnout syndrome problems exist. Based on these considerations and as a result of the documentary review, it is concluded that there are benefits of recreation that allow us to counteract the effects of stress.


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How to Cite
Diagnosis of work stress in teachers in times of pandemic and its theoretical implications of work recreationTitle of the article in English. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(3), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v1i3.3322
Technical Articles
Author Biographies

Mayra Paredes, Unidad Educativa Camino del Inca


Mayra Paredes, Unidad Educativa Camino del Inca


How to Cite

Diagnosis of work stress in teachers in times of pandemic and its theoretical implications of work recreationTitle of the article in English. (2023). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 1(3), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.24133/recihys.v1i3.3322


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