The Development creative of writing with students of higher basic general education
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Writing is a graphic representation of the language, mainly affects the acquisition of skills and abilities. The objective of this study is to analyze creative strategies in the development of writing in eighth-basic year students of the upper basic, the proposed research is of a qualitative-quantitative approach, and was carried out in the educational units of the 13D12C01_a Rocafuerte’s circuit, of the Republic of Ecuador, to collect a primary information, they took a writing test called "Evaluation of writing processes (PROESC)" was applied to students of eighth-basic grade and also there was an interview with experts on the subject, carried out by the virtual platform Zoom . The results of the study reflect favorable scores, however, there are some shortcomings in some aspects of writing, so teachers should emphasize written practice and give importance about creating texts spontaneously. It was determined that teachers should not focus on teaching of how to write a correct paragraph and the problem would be that teachers are limited to teach established content in their subjects, should be the reason that they must apply enriching and creative activities for the favorable development of writing, capturing students’ interest. for a good application.
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