Simulation of the electromagnetic field in an extra high voltage transmission line using the finite element method

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Krissia Cabezas
Pedro Jiménez
Juan David Ramirez
Raúl Canelos


This paper presents the results of the electromagnetic field simulation on the San Rafael - El Inga 500 kV overhead transmission line using the Finite Element Method with the FEMM software. The results obtained are contrasted with the measurements made on the site. With AutoCAD, the designs of the structures were raised at a 1:1 scale, which was exported to the FEMM program to carry out the corresponding simulations of the electromagnetic field emitted by the extra-high-voltage transmission lines. The structures located at different altitudes above sea level were considered. Various alternatives to the transmission line geometry were simulated to determine the values of electric and magnetic fields and to determine a suitable configuration that presents low values of the electromagnetic field. Finally, through the simulations performed in the FEMM program, the resulting adequate design for an extra-high voltage transmission line is shown.



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How to Cite
Simulation of the electromagnetic field in an extra high voltage transmission line using the finite element method. (2020). MASKAY, 11(1), 1-12.

How to Cite

Simulation of the electromagnetic field in an extra high voltage transmission line using the finite element method. (2020). MASKAY, 11(1), 1-12.


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