Paper or screen? - Student preferences regarding reading
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Reading is one of the skills that contributes the most to make easier the learning process. It has been a feature of the human gender for centuries. At the same time, technological development for the last decades has changed the way we see the world in more than one field and reading is not the exception. Nevertheless, transition towards this new file format through electronic devices has not been adopted immediately because of different factors. The current study has the purpose of determining the preference of students -a survey has been applied to 1251 university students who constitute the convenience nonprobability sample for accomplishing such an objective. The approach is quantitative for verifying the hypothesis through numerical measuring and statistical analysis combining non-experimental design for a natural analysis of results. The scope is descriptive and several relevant features underlying the reasons supporting the aforementioned preference. Such features include concentration: the main determiner of the preference for physical format for reading (i.e. paper). Considering screen reading could favor distraction due to cognitive overload. However, it should be noted that eyestrain, one of the factors against screen reading - is not a consequence of technological devices themselves but of reading time, which should not be too extensive.
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How to Cite
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