The Teaching of History and the Constructions of Realities

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Carlos Eduardo Fonseca Largo
Jorge Vicente Cabrera Mendoza
Yilena Montero Reyes


History, a social science, has been narrated over time by a hegemonic group in power. They have constructed it based on group interests. The intentionality of their manipulation combined with various forms of power: political, economic, cultural, religious, etc. This construction of linear realities has been imposed on the poor and subjugated classes as the only model of knowledge about past events. This perspective of study serves as a tool for indoctrination and constructs a social-individual imaginary, but it does not educate, guide, or build an idea of a nation, society, and social being. Consequently, this subject has fallen into tedium and neglect among students, who did not see in it a space for social reflection and self-reflection. All these issues, detected through various instruments, generated results that invite reflection and a change in the treatment of the subject. The linear study, which considers only one cause and one effect, must be broken and instead approached as a dialectical phenomenon that allows for diverse and enriching analysis. And to understand this problem we will apply the qualitative, hermeneutical approach, that is, a descriptive methodology. Therefore, this article is guided by the objective: Analyze the impact of history teaching designed by temporality schemes on the perceptions of students' daily reality, especially in relation to women, Afro-Ecuadorians, indigenous people and peasants.



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The Teaching of History and the Constructions of Realities. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2).
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Author Biographies

Carlos Eduardo Fonseca Largo, Universidad Estatal de Milagro


Jorge Vicente Cabrera Mendoza, Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador (UBE)


Yilena Montero Reyes, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE


How to Cite

The Teaching of History and the Constructions of Realities. (2024). Scientific Journal of Human and Social Sciences (RECIHYS), 2(2).


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