Learning styles according to Honey - Alonso and reading comprehension
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Learning style is determined by the way a person finds it easiest to learn. Reading comprehension is a set of processes and levels to decode information. The problem of the study lies in the ignorance of these concepts; which raise the following question: Do learning styles intervene in the level of reading comprehension? To answer this question, the objective was to analyze the influence of learning styles on reading comprehension. The method used is a qualitative-quantitative approach. The work reached a correlational level through bibliographic, documentary and field research. The methods used are the test, the evaluation, and the survey. The test subjects were 16 students as a total population, and 5 teachers participated in the survey. The CHAEA test by Honey - Alonso was used to identify the dominant learning styles and an evaluation based on the Prolec-Se test to measure the level of reading comprehension. The results show that the majority of students have a reflective learning style (56.25%) and their reading comprehension is at a medium to low level. To determine the relationship between the variables, Spearman's coefficient was used, which denied the relationship between the variables. Comprehension is a cognitive process that is developed with practice, strategies and reading habits, while learning styles mark favoritism for a way of learning without limiting the ability and intelligence of an individual.
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How to Cite
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