OPOL method in Early Childhood Education, for the teaching-learning of vocabulary in the English language

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Doménica Nathalia Realpe Carrera
Guido Rene Enríquez Bravo


Learning a foreign language can be tedious, in addition to the fact that in Latin America there is not much interest in wanting to learn a new language, but what would happen if good foundations are given from childhood, which is why this research aims to demonstrate that the OPOL method allows infants to create the basis for increasing or improving language (vocabulary) in the English language, thanks to the presence of brain plasticity in their first years of life, which at the same time does not generate a space of stress in the teaching- learning process. Using a quasi-experimental methodology for the research.

We worked with two groups as a sample for the application of the OPOL method, an “uncontrolled” group, using its own methodology “Hihg Scope” and another “controlled” group in which the selected method would be applied, for this the children had two moments of evaluation (pre-test and posttest), through an interview as a game, in order to analyze the results before and after the application of the research, the averages of 4 categories raised in the checklist per group were analyzed. Showing positive results in the controlled group in the final evaluation.


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How to Cite
OPOL method in Early Childhood Education, for the teaching-learning of vocabulary in the English language. (2023). Revista Vínculos ESPE, 8(1), 27-40. https://doi.org/10.24133/vinculosespe.v8i1.3113
Artículo de Investigación
Author Biographies

Doménica Nathalia Realpe Carrera, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Formación Académica: Estudiante de último semestre, de la carrera de “Educación Inicial” en la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas “ESPE”.

Cuenta con certificados de participación en “Jornada pedagógica Preescolúdico” (2019), “Webinar sobre Síndrome de la muerte Súbita del Lactante” (2021) y curso de “Lengua de señas ecuatoriana” (2022). En cuanto su nivel académico en el área de inglés, cuenta con un certificado B1.

Guido Rene Enríquez Bravo, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Doctor en psicología clínica por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Diplomado en Neuropsicología
Clínica por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Postítulo en Neurociencias por la Universidad de Chile. Especialista en Neuropsicología Clínica por la Universidad central del Ecuador. Magíster en Neuropsicología por la Universidad Central de Ecuador.

How to Cite

OPOL method in Early Childhood Education, for the teaching-learning of vocabulary in the English language. (2023). Revista Vínculos ESPE, 8(1), 27-40. https://doi.org/10.24133/vinculosespe.v8i1.3113


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